Warped & Wired Casting Call

Posted: 12/15/2010 in Book Updates, News, Writing Updates

Another quick update; I’m beginning preliminary work on the Warped & Wired audiobook, but am going to need some voices for the different characters. So I’ve decided to take to the internet for my talent:) I am not able to offer any kind of pay (other than a free book maybe:) but it could always be a resume builder for any aspiring actors/voice actors out there.

Here are the few requirements for the audition:

-Recording software (built-in most if not all computers)

-Decent microphone that doesn’t capture a lot of  “noise”

-Skype connection to do the audition/recording over the internet. (optional; only if you aren’t comfortable doing the recording yourself)

-Copy of my book, Warped & Wired*. Only .99 for ebook: all devices. (*Preferable, otherwise I can set up a custom googledoc)

-Previous voice acting experience is not at all required, but certainly welcome:)

If you’re interested, you can contact me on twitter (JoshuaCalecb75) or email me: JoshuaCaleb (at the address of) TheWryterChronicles (da-dot) com.

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